


...where I have loved drawing in the past few years :) room in Hasselt,

(the awesome) Corina's room in Hasselt,

my room in Iasi,

my first room in the States,

and my first awesome sheep carpet,

the gazebo Dad has build in Osoi, Iasi,

my first room in Cambridge, UK,

my second room in Cambs,

my second desk in my second room in Cambs,

my third room in Cambs,

coffee shops,

the grad cafe, 

my bed,

Cambridge Central Library,

my third room in Cambs,

the coffee shop of the Library,

Waterstone's cafe with brilliant friends,

Corina's backyard,

my (very safe) third room in Cambs,

my lovely romanian (and a bit too pink) room,

(few) sunny places in Washington,

little portlandish balconies, 

Oregon's seaside,

The Ikea table.


Yiting lee said...

the migration of an artist :)

Loïc said...

A room ? Pink ? How come ?